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Our Mission

To create a purposeful and forward-looking organization for the alumni of BUET for their social, cultural, and professional pursuits; for fostering greater cohesion and fellowship among themselves; for rendering all possible support to the transformation of the beloved alma mater into an institution of higher learning in technical and science education that is among the best in the world; and for contributing to accelerated and sustainable national development.

Our Objectives

We would achieve our mission by pursuing the following objectives that are embedded in the constitution of BUET Alumni.

1.  Develop stronger bond and cohesion among the members and well-wishers of the Association.

2.  Enhance and uphold professional competency and integrity of the members.

3.  Appropriately link, liaise, and complement the activities of the various societies or clubs of BUET graduates that may exist in Bangladesh and in foreign countries.

4. Provide support to the members and their families as well BUET students/staff members in distress and to organize humanitarian activities in times of national calamities.

5.  In collaboration and consultation with BUET authority, carry out the following activities:

(a) Enhance, uphold and promote the image and heritage of   BUET as a Center of Excellence in technical and science education and research in Bangladesh and abroad.

(b) Support efforts of BUET and other appropriate organizations for enhancing the quality of education and research and for establishing state-of-the-art educational and research facilities at BUET, including helping students and faculty members to participate in conferences, seminars and competitions.

(c) Raise funds from Members and Patrons of the Association as well as from alumni at large, individuals and organizations at home and abroad for implementing development projects that have been chosen jointly with BUET authority for purposes indicated in (b) above. 

(d) Facilitate intellectual exchanges between BUET and advanced universities and institutions in other countries.

(e)  Offer career counselling to students, graduates and others associated with BUET.

6. Organize activities and information campaigns to continually expand its membership base and to collect contributions, donations and grants from Members, Patrons, individuals, companies, firms, semi-government and government organizations, NGOs, autonomous bodies, and societies that are local or foreign based. These contributions will be the primary financial resource required for implementing the various programs and activities of the Association for achieving its objectives.

7. Develop and maintain a database of all members, which would include information on areas of their special expertise and interest, and maintaining regular communication with them through mails, publications, and web page that would facilitate their participation in the activities of the Association.

8. Arrange social activities such as reunions, picnics, dinners, cultural programs, and exchange visits for greater social cohesion among members.

9. Conduct conferences, seminars, symposia, workshops, and discussion forums on relevant national issues that are of interest to members and others.

10. Support research works in relevant fields and publication of appropriate books and journals on relevant subjects.

11. Set guidelines for ethics and disciplines for the members of the Association.

12. Liaise with other similar associations, institutes and universities.